59. Standing One’s Ground Does Not Lead to Peace

Chad Ford, author of Dangerous Love, visits the Rooted Leadership podcast.

Chad Ford, author of Dangerous Love and global mediator/peacebuilder, joins our show for the third time. In this conversation, we explore the idea that standing your ground in conflict, even for something you know is true, does not lead to peace. We live in a world where people are divided and constantly at battle. Whether it is a political ideology, religion, etc., we often feel that in order to be right, we have to win. But the truth is that when we have a heart at war in conflict, we have already lost. The ground that we feel we must "hold" in the quest for being right is actually shared. We exist on the same ground with others and have so much more in common than we might initially believe. The values we fight for are the same values for which we ought to "love dangerously."


60. The Power of Storytelling


58. Servant Leadership